When you’re pregnant, there is so much to learn – about giving birth, caring for a baby, and, of course, caring for your own body! Luckily, here in Miami Beach, we have access to Amazing Births and Beyond, a network of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum specialists and educators who are dedicated to helping families have […]
Where you give birth has such a significant impact on your overall birth experience. Whether in the familiarity of your home or the security of a hospital, your place of delivery can offer various tools and comforts. South Miami Hospital’s Center for Women and Infants is one of the best care centers in the area. […]
Congratulations – you’re pregnant!! I hope you’re enjoying every wonderful moment of this exciting phase of life. Whether you already have children at home or this is your first baby, I can guarantee you this – things are about to get a whole lot crazier (in all the best ways.) That’s why it’s important to […]
Midwives are incredible people. They believe that childbirth is a beautifully natural and totally normal phenomenon that shouldn’t be feared or treated as a medical condition. Instead, they believe that the mother should be able to listen to her body, doing what feels best in every moment for her baby and her birth. These medical […]
As long as there have been humans on the planet, women have been giving birth. While we typically associate childbirth with a hospital setting and lots of frantic energy, childbirth has been viewed as a natural, non-medical phenomenon for millennia. For nearly that long, midwives have been at the side of pregnant and birthing women, […]
Birth is a beautiful, natural process that can take many shapes and forms. For some women, delivering out-of-hospital is an empowering choice that allows freedom, flexibility, and control. While some moms-to-be are most comfortable delivering their babies in the comfort of their own homes, others may find more comfort in giving birth in a freestanding […]