As long as there have been humans on the planet, women have been giving birth. While we typically associate childbirth with a hospital setting and lots of frantic energy, childbirth has been viewed as a natural, non-medical phenomenon for millennia. For nearly that long, midwives have been at the side of pregnant and birthing women, […]
Birth is a beautiful, natural process that can take many shapes and forms. For some women, delivering out-of-hospital is an empowering choice that allows freedom, flexibility, and control. While some moms-to-be are most comfortable delivering their babies in the comfort of their own homes, others may find more comfort in giving birth in a freestanding […]
Your body undergoes some dramatic changes while you’re pregnant. From stretching and growing to tightening and swelling, you’ll experience some aches and discomfort. Prenatal yoga is a great way to help ease your body with gentle stretching, strengthening, and low-intensity movement. These physical exercises, combined with meditative and breath techniques, can also be blessedly helpful […]
If there’s anything you know as a parent, it’s that your love for your children knows no bounds – as does their energy, curiosity, and affinity for adventure. A great preschool program can help your little one develop a love of learning, as well as important social, emotional, and academic skills they’ll need to be […]
Childbirth is one of those great natural marvels you can’t understand until you experience it – but that doesn’t mean you can’t prepare! These birth classes in Miami all educate and empower expectant parents to take control of their birth experience. Plus, you’ll feel confident having learned what to expect and how to care for […]
Did you know that scientists estimate it takes 300-500 years for disposable diapers to decompose? That means almost every single diaper is still sitting in landfills around the world. To add to that, they cost almost $1000 more per year compared to reusable alternatives. That is where cloth diapers step in. Mother Earth Diaper Services […]